
A Dales High Way

A Dales High Way: July 2012 Day 1: Saltaire to Skipton (19 miles) Out of the house at 7 am to catch Saltaire train. Weather overcast but dry despite alarming forecast of torrential rain and wind. Hens refuse to get off their perch and go outside when we open up, a sure sign bad weather is on the way. Start walking at 7.45 am, along the canal and up onto Shipley Glen, where we spot the first Dales High Way marker. Proceed briskly to Ilkley Moor, which is not as wet underfoot as expected, though that may change as we are walking under a gathering raincloud. First mishap of the trip recorded on the Otley Road stretch where David trips on a pebble and falls over, cutting his lip and grazing both knees. Medical assistance not needed but we stop by the Twelve Apostles for a restorative video session and coffee from the thermos. Jackets on as we reach White Wells at 11am and turn left towards Addingham Moorside in mizzling rain, fantasising about life in the millionaire houses along the path....